"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."– Jesus, in Matthew 6:28-30
Worry is a cancer that drains the soul, mind, heart, and body of its strength and power. It can consume a person sometimes to the point of physical illness and even death!
But there’s no reason for it to happen. Worry, like any other idol of the mind, can be crushed under the truth of God’s Word and prayer.
I invite you to open your Bible to Matthew chapter 6. Ask the Holy Spirit to speak to you through the words of this chapter, then read through the chapter three times. Jot down or highlight some of the things He teaches or points out to you through Jesus’ words.
Take your time through this entire process. There’s no need to hurry or rush through.
What does Jesus say about worry? How does Jesus teach us to pray? Does worry fit into verse 13 (lead us not into temptation)? What else is the Holy Spirit showing you through this chapter?
Next, pray (talk to God) about what He shows you through this chapter. Confess any misplaced ideas you had of God, the circumstance(s) that was at the center of worry, or unbelief that He brings to your mind. Ask Him to renew your mind and refresh your heart through His Word and prayer. Ask the Holy Spirit to fill your mind with truth from Scripture that will help you ward off worry in the future. Thank God for His faithfulness and for always being near.

The Scriptures help us to think rightly about God, ourselves, and our circumstances. Revisit this chapter, or read more of Matthew, to deepen your understanding, faith, and trust in the Scriptures. You won’t be disappointed as you seek God’s truth for your life!